Education is both a goal in itself and a means for attaining all the other SDGs. That is why education represents an essential strategy in the pursuit of the SDGs (UNESCO 2017).

Small and big events affecting our societies and our personal lives are linked to what happens to the environment and the rest of humanity. In the same

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The international coordinators of the Get up and Goals! project decided to take the most of the pandemic situation we are facing relating it with the competences of Global Citizenship Education, writing the article “

Na Styku Association (Get up and Goals Poland) is happy to share a game for students “We Are All Migrants”. Thanks to the cooperation with the Social Development Department of the Municipal Office in Gdańsk and the Council of Migrants in Gdańsk, we created a l

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*This article was written by Ms. Jacquie Ayre, Global Learning Education officer at the Liverpool World Centre (LWC), UK partner of the Get Up and Goals! project.
Below you can find extracts of the article.

This article was written by Mella Cusack, Irish coordinator of GET UP AND GOALS! In Ireland, the project is coordinated by A Partnership with Africa, with co-funding from Irish Aid. In 2018, Mella was commissioned to write the National Council for Curriculum Association (NCCA) Study of

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The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the examples of discontinuity in social life which are usually the object of study for historians. Even without the benefit of historical hindsight, it is already possible to observe some changes in our way of thinking, living and teaching. As in any crisis situation, as well as the evident suffering, it is also p

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Během 45minutové lekce žáci porozumí termínu genderová rovnost.Identifikují překážky ve vzdělávání dívek, především ve středoškolském a zjišťují výhody, které plynou z přístupu dívek ke středoškolskému vzdělání.

Během 45minutové lekce žáci zjistí, jakou vliv má vzdělání má vzdělání na kvalitu života. Diskutují o tom, že ne každý má stejný přístup ke vzdělání. Popíší a vysvětlí data o vzdělávání ve světě. Obhajují rovný přístup ke vzdělávání pro všechny na celém svět.