Let’s make a world of difference

*This article was written by Ms. Jacquie Ayre, Global Learning Education officer at the Liverpool World Centre (LWC), UK partner of the Get Up and Goals! project.
Below you can find extracts of the article. Please, read it in full here.

LWC and the Get Up and Goals! Project Summer 2020 

On Merseyside, in the UK the Liverpool World Centre has been working hard with our GUAG project schools to embed the many different aspects of the project into their schools 

Our development education centre exists to make world issues relevant to the lives of young people.  We work with communities, educators, schools, charities, businesses and pupils across the region and beyond. As part of our mission we want to empower people to work for global and social justice in their local and global community. We aim to use and encourage others to use a range of methods with young people that support and develop critical thinking, problem solving and innovation.  These aims fit brilliantly with the ethos of this exciting EU project. 

Using the SDGs to frame our work in schools

For myself, as the LWC Global Learning Education officer, it has been a privilege to work on the project with many teachers and pupils over the past 2 years. Part of the intention of the project is to showcase the value of using the SDGs in a school setting and show how these could inspire young people to become active in campaigning to make the world a more just place for all. The teachers working in our 10 pilot schools have been introduced to the idea that the 17 goals can be used to help transform the world and follow one of the UN principles of ‘Leaving no one behind’.

The Teaching and Learning Units / Lessons on Climate Change, Migration, Gender and Equality, International Inequality 

This project has enabled us to create and share exciting lessons for Key Stage 3 teachers. In some of our schools these have been embedded into the PSHE/ Citizenship curriculums and in others they have been used by the RE or Geography department. Teachers have commented on the relevance of the resources and their ability to provoke conversations on a range of global issues. 


The UK campaigns that have been delivered so far include, amongst others,   a focus on ‘Gender Equality’ with an exhibition done by Rainhill High School, St Helens, Merseyside and  raising awareness on Climate Change done by St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School  in St Helens, Merseyside. In addition, pupils have taken part in a lantern walk, building a plastic tree and some pupils at St Bede’s Catholic High School in Ormskirk, West Lancashire are now in the middle of  the development of a piece of music and lyrics  all about the SDGs and developing a more sustainable way of life on the planet. LWC are now in the planning stages to develop some campaigns for the autumn to ensure we continue to give young people a voice at this challenging moment for the world. 

Nikki Ward [ GUAG Lead at St Cuthbert’s High School /Personal Development and CEIAG ] commented : ‘The students really enjoyed the projects and it’s so important, particularly at the moment, to educate them on looking after the planet.

Covid-19 This Global Pandemic has changed the world. 
Here are some of the many questions teachers are asking at present.

  • What might the future for young people now look like in 2030? 
  • Might sustainability be a higher priority going forward?
  • How has the personal experience of the pandemic impacted on the outlook of teachers and young people? 
  • How has the virus impacted on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the young?
  • How have school closures impacted on the curriculum both now and in the future? Is there an opportunity to maintain a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum?Is there an opportunity for more Global Citizenship? 
  • What is education for? 
  • How has the pandemic impacted on public life?
  • Do politicians now have a broader view of the communities they serve? 

Click here to download the full article


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Last modified on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 09:11