Gender inequalities

"Today we are trying to build a school where women, members of ethnic and religious minorities and people from non-Western cultures can be seen and heard, with respect and love, both as bearers of specific knowledge and as an object of study. A school in which one considers that the world is made up of many different types of citizens and in which all can learn to behave as citizens of the world”.

(Martha Nussbaum, from Cultivating humanity, 1999)

Get up and goals! has selected some topics that at school you can't not know.

Download our Big ideas on Gender inequalities here

WHAT IS GENDER? When we talk about gender, we first need to clarify what we mean by that definition: Gender IS NOT the same as sex, which defines the biological characteristics…
To us, the figures given already seem to answer the question "why is it time to discuss gender inequalities at school?" However, we think it is important to add at…
Many societies have a predominantly patriarchal history. This means that the control of power, in terms of resources or positions of social and political importance, is predominantly held by men…
Geo-history manual; learning units (TLUs) and Assessment and self-assessment tools: three proposals to address complex issues The Get up and goals! project has produced three tools in 12 languages to…