Teaching and learning units

    The release of the Get up and Goals! Teaching and Learning Units (TLUs) has started on May 2019.

    Our TLUs are available for free download in the 12 languages of the countries involved in the project.

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    The Teaching and Learning Units are educational paths that focus on one complex issue through a transdisciplinary approach using a number of learning tools.

    Such learning experiences can stimulate scholastic knowledge as well as skills to help students and teachers deal with everyday life or big, complex issues.

    The TLUs are crucial tools to educate our students towards Global Citizenship and Sustainability.

    Get up and goals! encourages teachers to work together and develop the same topics with their classes through the lens of different disciplines.

    The TLUs help teachers tackle some of the problems that humanity has to cope with, today and in the future: climate change, international inequalities, migration, gender inequalities

    You can find an overview of such topics in our Big ideas on global issues page.

    Then Get up and goals! TLUs contain: 

    • Our selection of topics and learning activities about each one of the global issues: evidences, causes, effects and so on. Teachers can select one or more topics and related activities to explore with their classes, without losing the overall approach.
    • Global citizenship education approach and practical suggestions: how can you lead learning conversations to uncover your students’ bias? How can you run a roleplaying game to enhance emotional involvement? How can you encourage your students towards individual or group work? How can you and your students design a citizenship action to show them that they can be global responsible citizens? How can you support your students in learning to learn, strengthening their key competences?  

    How do you test our TLUs?

    See our Teaching and Learning Units Guidelines to see how to plan and test our TLUs. 

    How do you make the most of learning achievements?

    The Get up and goals! project proposes a simple system of learning assessment tools to apply when testing the TLUs.

Teaching and Learning Units
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