De termen 'klimaatverandering' en 'opwarming van de aarde' werden voor het eerst in 1976 gebruikt door de wetenschapper Stephen Schneider. Zijn bevindingen werden in 1988 door de Verenigde Naties erkend en overgenomen. Mede door de inzet van milieuorganisaties werd de door de mens veroorzaakte klimaatverandering een hot topic, al zijn er nog ste

Do you know the impact of leaving the mobile charger plugged, and how much does a microwave contaminate? Our carbon footprint is what indicates the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that we emit individually. It is a simple way to measure the impact that a person genera

Published in News

Mrs. Irene Rinaldi teaches Technology at the San Pio V Lower Secondary School (Rome), where this year she has tested one of Get Up and Goals! Teaching and Learning Units about Climate change with her last-year students.

The lessons, which continued t

Published in News

The  TLUs cover four thematic area: climate change, international inequalities, gender inequalities and migration in Hungarian language. Soon English version will be avaiable.

The terms ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ were first used by scientist Stephen Schneider in 1976. His findings were acknowledged and accepted by the United Nations in 1988. Environmental organisations, among other efforts, made climate change caused by humans a hot topic, although there are still sceptics who turn a deaf ear. In th

This question can have many answers. Below we have chosen to present five wide-ranging ones, with which we will try to summarize the main social and didactic motivations behind the choice to address this issue in schools.

  1. Climate change is a global theme: it affects all human beings and many other living spe
Published in Climate change

climate changeBig ideas on Climate change

Today’s climate change is a long-term, large-scale rise in Earth’s global average temperature, causing shifts in weather patterns. Some models pred

Climate change has conditioned the fate of humankind throughout the course of its existence and some examples can demonstrate this. The cold climate and the consequent drop in the level of the oceans has allowed the setting of humankind in Oceania and then in the Americas, tens of thousands of years ago. The warm climate of t

Published in Climate change

The Get up and goals! project has produced three concrete tools in 12 languages to address both climate change and three other major global issues in daily teaching: a global geo-history manual, a set of

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